Collision Repair Education Foundation high school, college student resume database accepting submissions
The Collision Repair Education Foundation’s online database of high school and college resumes is accepting student resume submissions. Students who are seeking full time jobs, part time jobs, or internships in the industry are invited to submit a resume to the database online at before graduation.
The database is a way for collision students, especially those who are unable to make it to CREF hosted career fairs, to submit their resumes to potential employers in the collision repair industry. At the end of each spring and fall semester, the database is open for students to add their information, and the information will be available to CREF donors for follow-ups and potential employment. The Foundation will work towards tracking the number of students hired by the industry.
Collision Repair Education Foundation Director of Development, Brandon Eckenrode, said, “At the Collision Repair Education Foundation, our goal is to provide schools with the resources to educate a new generation of collision repair students and to put those students in touch with career opportunities in the industry. With our national student resume database capturing high school and college collision students who are looking for full-time, part time, or internship work within the industry, we will be continuing our efforts to be the industry’s bridge between technical education and industry employment. We look forward to reporting back on the success stories of students gaining employment and fulfilling the industry’s entry-level employment needs.”
The spring 2017 Career Fair Schedule is also available, and it’s a way for students to submit their resumes to potential employers. The rest of the spring semester career fair consists of the following:
- Chicago, IL on May 2
- Madison, WI on May 3
- St. Louis, MO on May 5
- Denver, CO on May 8 (in conjunction with the Women’s Industry Network conference)
- Nashville, TN on May 17
Businesses interested in gaining access to the Collision Repair Education Foundation’s Student Resume Database can do so and support the Foundation in its efforts to support collision repair students, teachers, and schools. Contact the Education Foundation Director of Development, Brandon Eckenrode at 847-463-5244 or [email protected].