The Collision Repair Education Foundation is currently accepting nominations for its “Collision Student of the Year” award. The deadline for nominations is September 22, 2017.
Launched last year, the Collision Student of the Year award, seeks to recognize truly outstanding students training for a career in the collision industry. Nominated students must currently be studying collision repair/refinishing at a school that has completed the Foundation’s 2017-2018 Collision Repair School Solutions Survey.
“We encourage instructors who would like to recognize the academic achievement, collision repair and refinish training success and drive of their best students to submit nominations for the award,” said Melissa Marscin, Director of Operations/Administration for the Foundation.
Instructors who would like to nominate a student can download a nomination form from the Foundation’s website. (
In addition to an instructor endorsement, students must submit a one-minute video to the Foundation explaining his/her academic and collision course achievements, future plans for his/her career, and why he/she enjoys being in the collision industry.
Winners of the Collision Student of the Year award and their instructors must be able to attend the Foundation’s reception on October 31st at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nev. The award will cover two nights of hotel each for the instructor and for the student, airfare (or mileage if driving), and meals.