ALLDATA Collision Advantage wins 1st place in 2017 SEMA New Products Showcase Awards
Oct. 31, 2017
ALLDATA Collision Advantage won 1st Place in the 2017 SEMA New Products Showcase Awards for “Collision Repair and Refinish.”
ALLDATA Collision Advantage bundles the power of ALLDATA Collision with the protection of Estimate Integration. Now service writers and technicians can get OEM-accurate estimates the first time and help limit their shop’s liability.
ALLDATA Collision Advantage analyzes estimates in seconds, then displays, all on a single screen:
OEM Procedures – Graphic icons indicate available OEM information, including TSBs, DTCs, service precautions, specifications, diagrams, paint codes, locations, and more.
OEM Alerts – Line-by-line red OEM Alerts plus pop-up notifications ensure you’re repairing vehicles back to factory specifications, helping to limit your shop’s liability.
Vital Repairs – On each estimate, “Vital Repairs” describe the OEM-specified inspections and repairs required after a collision, including high voltage system disable/enable.
- Manufacturer Positioning Statements – One-touch access to the latest vehicle-specific OEM manufacturer positioning statements.
ALLDATA Collision Advantage works with the three major estimating systems.
For more info on ALLDATA COLLISION ADVANTAGE click here