VECO Experts introduces ‘Remote Drop-In’ for technical calibrations, audits, inspections and training
Vehicle Collision Experts (VECO Experts) continues to offer in-shop repair quality training and review of vehicles-in-progress, but the company now also is expanding its use of remote shop inspections known as “Remote Drop-In.”
“Using video and computer screen-sharing technology, we can put one of our experts into a shop remotely,” Mark Olson, VECO Experts founder, said. “Remote Drop-In offers a cost-efficient way to bring our shop clients the same quality control inspections, along with the employee training and coaching we provide, without having to physically be at the shop. The real power of this is we are working with them in real time with the vehicles in their shop. That’s why we say it’s: ‘Just like we’re there.’”
Olson said VECO Experts has been offering the service on a trial basis in recent months but now is expanding it nationwide – and beyond.
“This service actually allows us to work with a shop anywhere in the world as long as we speak the same language,” Olson said. “And we continue to expand the number of languages in which we have VECO Experts with fluency. Currently, in addition to English, we offer Spanish, French, Russian and three dialects of Chinese.”
He said the service gives shops more flexibility in terms of when audits and inspections are conducted, and enhances the training VECO Experts provide.
“If we’re conducting estimator training, we can actually take control of the shop’s computer remotely to show estimators how to find what they need within the estimating system or how to conduct research into needed repair information,” Olson said. “We can work one-on-one with an individual estimator, or train a whole team. We’ve also used this to help train technicians on setting up their welders to perform repairs properly.”
He said remote audits, inspections and training sessions also can be recorded for later review.
VECO Experts works with collision repair businesses of all sizes to provide customized training and quality control programs. It also offers holistic assistance with other aspects of a collision repair business that are most often in need of improvement (including refining and using SOPs, reducing delays and come-backs, and improving touch-time, cycle time and repair quality).
For more information, visit the company’s website (, email [email protected], or call (206) 771-2111.