Ray Gunder of Gunder's Auto Center in Lakeland, Fla., and Barrett Smith of Auto Damage Experts (ADE), with Gunder's attorney, Brent Geohagan, will provide an open forum to offer information and answer questions about how repairers can improve their businesses and service to their customers, while lessening unnecessary interference, encumbrances and potential liabilities.
The seminar is designed to provide information on legal basics including an overview of the processes involving the "Power of Attorney" and "Assignment of Proceeds" (aka Assignment of Benefits). Answers to attendee's individual questions as to how it may benefit them, their business and their customers will be available along with other topics such as:
- Understanding the Repairer's Legal Responsibilities
- Understanding the Customer's Legal Responsibilities
- Understanding the Insurer's Legal Responsibilities
- Understanding the difference between 1st and 3rd
Party Claims for Repairers
- Understanding Tortious Interference
- Relationship Building Based upon Knowledge and
- Recognizing Legal Liabilities and How to Avoid Them
and/or Channel Them to the Appropriate Parties
- How to Turn Potential Liabilities into Significant
Profits and Improve Your Bottom Line
- Making your Repair Authorizations Legally Iron-Clad
and Profitable
- The Importance of Knowing and Understanding your
State's Laws and Regulations as They Relate to Your Business
- Recognizing and Understanding "Unfair Trade
Practices" and how to avoid them
- Post Repair Inspections...A Quality Repairer's Best
Friend and a Poor Repairer's Nightmare!
- Understanding "Diminished Value" and its Benefits
to Repairers and Their Customers
- Understanding "Federal Anti-Trust Laws" and What
Repairers Can and Cannot Discuss Openly Without Fear
- Summary of the March 2012 CCRE Meeting held by the Pennsylvania Collision Trade Guild