Johnson Matthey's ACCRT(TM) (Advanced CCRT) system, the second generation benchmark CCRT(R) filter technology for 2.5g NOx EGR and non-EGR engines, has been verified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for reducing PM by more than 90 percent, while meeting CARB's stringent NO2 slip requirements.
The ACCRT system uses three distinct catalytic formulas specifically engineered for optimum performance. Upstream, a JM oxidation catalyst coated on a flow-through substrate optimizes conditions for the second, downstream catalytically coated wall-flow filter to burn off virtually all particulate matter (PM). The third catalyst, an NO2 decomposition catalyst, then reduces NO2.
As the global pioneer and leader in controlling emissions from mobile and stationary sources, Johnson Matthey's CRT(R) filter has revolutionized modern diesel emissions reduction. The first filter verified by EPA and CARB, the CRT filter has become the industry standard for Heavy Duty Diesel Retrofit Technology.
Marty Lassen, JM Director of Commercial Development and Marketing, said this latest verification is very significant. "It is further confirmation that Johnson Matthey's technologies remain the best available choice for improving air quality. Lab and field tests confirm JM's ACCRT systems perform where others won't. This passively regenerated filter allows users the benefits of passive filters on engines that will remain in service for many years."