I-CAR (the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair) is excited to be a part of the 2020 SEMA360 Virtual Show, Nov. 2-6, with a series of complimentary offerings showcasing I-CAR’s educational experts and robust learning experiences.
It’s easy to plug in and join us for a variety of free, live, one-hour I-CAR Technical Mini-Training sessions, including:
- Using RTS (I-CAR’s Repairability Technical Support portal) on a Collision Damaged Vehicle
- Steel Welding Advanced Techniques
- Metal Straightening Considerations You Haven’t Thought About
- Spot Welds Beyond Pulling the Trigger
- Electric Vehicles Safety—Where to Begin
- Take Your Aluminum Welds to the Next Level
- How ADAS, Calibration, Structure and Wheel Alignments are Connected
- Take Your MIG Brazing to the Next Level
- A new product overview of I-CAR’s Get to Gold Class Package. Coming Soon!
Experience first-hand how I-CAR can take your training game to the next level; I-CAR experts will be available for live chats during SEMA360. Visit our virtual showcase when SEMA 360 launches at www.SEMA360.com.