Dell Technologies is partnering with ASA to host a Cyber Monday Contest designed to bring the benefits and value of ASA membership to more independent shops across the United States.
The contest – “2021: A New Year, A New Plan!” – will be held Nov. 1-30. During that time, independent shops across the country that are active or join ASA, will be entered into a contest to win a 49-inch Dell curved monitor.
It marks the second time this year that Dell has joined ASA in sponsoring a contest as part of the association’s membership drive. ASA member-shop owner Vicki Doherty of M&N Absolute Auto Repair in Everett, Wash., won a 49-inch Dell curved monitor in July.
“This contest is a perfect way to gear up towards an efficient and productive 2021,” said Ray Fisher, AMAM, ASA president/executive director. “Dell shares the vision with us that our members are always trying to improve. And what better way than to win a 49-inch curved monitor for our already multi-tasking shops by entering our contest?!”
Fisher said ASA has big plans for 2021, including more contests and a special virtual training event scheduled for April 30-May 1.
Steven Shipe, strategic accounts rep for Dell, is delighted to be involved in supporting the industry.
“Let’s give away some cool technology!” Shipe said. “All November long, you’ll see chances to enter a drawing for a Dell 49” Curved Monitor. Along the way, you can learn more about the technology Dell offers (including a webinar November 12 on SonicWall firewalls), and save a lot of money leading up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Don’t miss your chance to win that beautiful monitor!”
Dell Technologies is more than just laptops and desktops. You’ll also find monitors and large format displays, servers, storage, switches, wireless networking, firewalls and security, and all the electronics and accessories you can imagine. We also carry other brands for products like software, televisions, 3-D printers, portable storage, headsets, projectors and smart office equipment.
How to enter:
- Active ASA Members* (1 automatic entry)
- Join ASA* (2 entries)
- Fill out the online form* (2 entries)
- Attend The Dell Technologies Webinar* (2 entries)
- Recruit A Shop for ASA Membership** (1 entry)
*Must be an ASA shop member (repair facility) | **Recruiter must be an ASA shop member (repair facility)
All winners will be announced on Cyber Monday, Nov. 30, during a LIVE Facebook Drawing at 4 p.m. CST. Be sure to LIKE OUR PAGE so you don’t miss any announcements!
***You may also gain additional entries by submitting the online entry form or attending the Dell Technologies Webinar, scheduled for… as part of its popular Webinar Wednesday series.
Winning Prizes
The winner will be announced Nov. 30 during an ASA Facebook Live. Be sure to follow us on social media so you don’t miss these fun announcements: