Stephen Barlas

Stephen Barlas has been a full-time freelance Washington editor since 1981, reporting for trade, professional magazines and newspapers on regulatory agency, congressional and White House actions and issues. He also does a column for Automotive Engineering, the monthly publication from the Society of Automotive Engineers. He covers the full range of auto industry issues unfolding in Washington, from regulatory rulings on and tax incentives for ethanol fuel to DOE research and development aid for electric plug-ins and lithium ion battery commercialization to congressional changes in CAFE standards to NHTSA safety rulings on such things as roof crush standards and data recorders.


Decision to come on imported brake parts

Jan. 1, 2020
The dependence of aftermarket retailers on imported parts means that the industry ought to be at least as interested, if not more so, in the "pro U.S. manufacturing" focus of ...

Obama Phase II CAFE Proposal

Jan. 1, 2020
You'd have to be a college math professor to understand the formulas and factors the EPA and NHTSA propose.

New front in wiper wars

Jan. 1, 2020
Robert Bosch LLC just opened a new front in the wiper wars.

Concern grows about lack of data, rational for OSHA aftermarket rule

Jan. 1, 2020
With all the attention now being paid in Washington to the connection between over-regulation of business and its drag on job creation, one has to shake one's head at the ...