David Harris

Shop Customers

Dot Commerce: A Ray of Light

Jan. 1, 2020
2008 will be an interesting year. As we concluded 2007, we started to hear the dreaded "R" word—recession. The clouds that were on the horizon have now manifested into the...
Shop Customers

Dot Commerce: Storm Clouds Are Looming

Jan. 1, 2020
In the struggle to survive, we sometimes forget to think and plan ahead. Times are becoming quite challenging, and as a veteran car dealer once told me, "When times are good, ...
Shop Customers

Dot Commerce: Measurable Marketing

Jan. 1, 2020
Interactive marketing draws upon direct marketing for much of its strategy and is often referenced as "below-the-line" marketing. However, I refer to it as "measurable" marketing...
Shop Customers

Dot Commerce

Jan. 1, 2020
So, you have a Web page. Now the real challenge begins. How can your potential customers find you that crucial first time? Can you say "search engine?"