SHOP: Dave's Body Shop LOCATION: West Jordan, Utah OWNER: Stan Ware
1) Ware installed a set of cabinets and benches in each technician’s stall. The cabinet stores each technician’s own stock of body supplies to prevent clutter and constant trips to and from the material room.
2) Ware has several types of vehicle lifts throughout the facility. This one is a CELETTE bench that includes a full holding package. Ware says the $45,000 bench was required to get his certification to make structural repairs on Audis.
3) Ware purchased two electronic measuring systems for the shop. He has a Blackhawk Shark frame measuring system, pictured here, and a Chief Velocity frame measuring system. They were about $20,000 each.
4) Ware used part of a body stall on the shop floor to build a “pony wall cubby” to store large equipment including five floor jacks, four power posts, three welders, two A/C machines and a compression spot welder.
5) T8 fluorescent bulbs provide 20 percent more light than traditional bulbs and reduce monthly energy costs by $600. The local power company gave a 20 percent rebate on the $20,000 project, which will take seven years to recoup.
6) Every technician’s stall is equipped with vehicle pulling apparatuses. Ware installed large tool boards on the walls throughout the shop to store things such as clamps, chains and chain binders for easy access.
7) Ware says a major complaint among technicians is that shops can be too dark and they can’t see what they’re doing. So he installed 50 skylights throughout the entire facility. “Natural light is wonderful for technicians,” he says.