Tim Ross

Tim Ross is co-founder and president of UpSwell, a provider of direct mail services for the automotive service industry. He has been with UpSwell since 2008.


Getting back on track post-pandemic

Aug. 14, 2020
Your customers are most likely to return if they feel you and your staff are taking the potential health risks seriously.

Three ways to keep your revenue bucket full

May 28, 2020
When marketing your shop, it’s important to have a strategy dedicated to seeking new customers through a variety of channels, such as direct mail, search engine optimization and...
Shop Customers

Keeping employees in the loop

Jan. 1, 2020
The simple solution to these problems is to engage your employees in your marketing efforts from the very beginning.
Shop Customers

Sorting the mail

Jan. 1, 2020
Direct mail marketing has changed dramatically with the advent of new technologies, making it an even more effective marketing tool for repair shops.