Jim Garrido

Phone: 336-462-3221
Jim Garrido of “Have Scanner Will Travel” is an on-site mobile diagnostics expert for hire and president of the Mobile Diagnostics Group. He has over 23 years of experience as a GM technician and is considered one of the best techs in the country. Garrido is an avid participant on iATN and was a board member for STS. He has written programs for GM and many aftermarket groups including some research on the GM CSI ignition system. Garrido is an ASE Certified Master Technician with L1 and currently takes care of CARQUEST customers in Western North Carolina.

Taking a closer look at fuel injector timing patterns

Jan. 1, 2020
Let’s examine different fuel injector timing patterns on both defective and normal systems. Depending on the system and the mode of injector firing, it can sometimes be difficult...

Done in a flash

Jan. 1, 2020
Faced with a persistent vehicle defect for which you have thoroughly understood, tested and inspected and still come up empty? Flash programming the involved ECU is something ...

New starter, no start

Jan. 1, 2020
The first time I ran into this doozy of a problem, I was lucky in that a friend and fellow mobile diagnostics professional knew exactly what the problem was. John Thornton out...

Pouncing on vehicles' sneak circuits

Jan. 1, 2020
This month, we will take a look at those devilish defects known as "sneak circuits." A sneak circuit is any defect in a certain circuit or component system that affects another...