Craig Van Batenburg

Craig Van Batenburg has owned Van Batenburg's Garage Inc., Worcester, Mass., for more than 23 years. He is an ASE Certified Master Technician with L1 certification and is an Accredited Automotive Manager (AAM). He also owns the Automotive Career Development Center, works with the state and federal government agencies on air quality issues, is on the faculty of the Automotive Management Institute (AMI) and is an Aspire-trained technical instructor. He is a former president and the founder of ASA-Massachusetts (now known as AASP) and just completed a term as vice president for the New England Service Station and Automotive Repair Association (NESSARA). He also drives a hybrid car.
All Photo Credits: ACDC

The Progression of EV Batteries

When our 12-volt brain thinks about the 12-volt battery’s “State of Charge” (SOC), we know that 100% is the goal. The 12-volt battery wants to stay at 100% SOC all the time. In...

2000 Honda Insight: To A Cleaner Future

Jan. 1, 2020
My interest in the new Honda Insight, the gasoline/electric hybrid now sold in the United States, started some 1-1/2 years ago when I read an article that a new car, code named...

Time's Up

Jan. 1, 2020
With hybrid vehicles moving into the out-of-warranty stage, independent service dealers have a unique opportunity to capture this new segment of the market. Are you prepared to...