The exclusive EcoLean Level 1 workshops from Sherwin-Williams are offered to collision repair center owners and managers, as well as dealer fixed operations managers from across the United States and Canada. They are designed to educate attendees about how to maximize profitability by improving production and eliminating waste throughout their facilities. “This workshop is all about taking efficiencies to the next level,” says Lee Rush, Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes Manager of Business Consulting Services. “Shop owners who attend these sessions come away with practices and actions they can implement immediately; from ways to better utilize space, equipment and people for better productivity according to Lean principals to ideas for more effective scheduling and damage analysis.” EcoLean courses are built by leading industry expert consultants. The EcoLean Level 1 workshop curriculum The EcoLean curriculum was developed specifically with collision shop operators in mind. “We continue to sell out our EcoLean workshops as shop owners and managers are feeling more and more industry pressure every day,” adds Rush. “Their necessity to perform in both the front office and on the production floor continues to be a challenge. Those who take our training and deliberately implement the teachings have proven to be incredibly successful within their markets.” TheEcoLean Level 1 workshop curriculum includes:
- An overview of lean production and its practical application in collision repair
- Approaches to making a collision facility more efficient and effective
- How to build a lean culture from the ground up
To register online for the upcoming San Antonio EcoLean Level 1 workshop, go to For more information on EcoLean, call (800) 798-8572.
For more information on Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes, visit or call Customer Service at (800) 798-5872 or contact Lindsey Guzzo (216) 332-8569.